Early Learning Contexts in Rural and Urban Nebraska

Janell Walther
Publication Date
Resource Type
Resource Review Status
Non-Peer Reviewed
Focus Area
Education & School Safety

This project investigates cumulative influences on early learning and achievement for young children at economic disadvantage across rural and urban settings in Nebraska through three complementary and prospective studies. This research will provide reliable information for policymakers and practitioners to understand variations in practices that augment transitions and early learning; determine malleable factors that improve learning environments and promote school readiness and academic achievement for disadvantaged children; and understand the processes necessary for effective transitions from PreK through Grade 3 in rural and urban communities. The Public Policy Center will lead the efforts in a descriptive study to assess federal and state-level policies and their operationalization at the local level, as well as local practices across distinctive rural and urban community settings. For more details about this project and the entire research team, please visit the Early Learning Network website and the Learning Frontiers website.

Nebraska Early Learning Team

Early Learning Network Introduction from CYFS on Vimeo.