Staff Snapshot: Lisa Bowers

Staff Snapshot:

Meet some of the researchers and staff members who make PPC such a great place to work! 

For today's staff snapshot, we spoke with Research Specialist, Lisa Bowers, whose interests include social economics, community development and leadership, project management, and research design.

Q&A with Lisa Bowers:

  • What is something you have learned from your work and collaborations? 
    To positively affect lives and communities, we must engage in ongoing personal and team growth. I have also learned the high value of using scientific knowledge to inform community members and decision-makers
  • How do you think the Center’s work impacts Nebraskans? 
    Our work engages Nebraskans to expand and improve many qualities of life through data collection, analysis, evaluation, and education. This work improves Nebraskan’s behavioral health and well-being, organizational efficiency, community & economic development, use of natural resources, and more.
  • What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? 
    Have acceptance for things you cannot change, courage to change the things you can, and wisdom to know the difference. 
  • What/who inspires/motivates you? 
    Human creativity, connections, and service are what inspire and motivate me most.
  • What is one challenge you have faced in your career and how did you overcome it? 
    I am challenged with what is typically known as Attention Deficit Disorder. This can lead to overstimulation and make it challenging to organize, prioritize, and order information. Public speaking can create anxiety. I overcome this by using calendars, spreadsheets, project organization tools, bullet journaling, and practicing mindfulness. I also write goals and learn from others with more experience.