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Amid growing recognition of the mismatch between the way American citizens view their own interests and the way U.S. leaders define the national interest, the search is on for solutions. Ambassador Marc Grossman joins us to discuss what he and fellow former diplomats think should be done to address this challenge through the American Diplomacy Project at Harvard University. Drawing upon his 29-year diplomatic career, which included service as U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ambassador Grossman will share his perspective on renewing the Foreign Service for a new era—and why citizen input to reform the Foreign Service is so important.
This event is presented by the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center and the Clayton Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is part of the Thomas C. Sorensen Policy Seminar Series with support from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Arts & Sciences Thomas C. Sorensen Endowment.
About Marc Grossman
Ambassador Marc Grossman served as the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the State Department’s third-ranking official, until his retirement in 2005 after 29 years in the U.S. Foreign Service. As Under Secretary, he helped marshal diplomatic support for the international response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. He also managed U.S. policies in the Balkans and Colombia and promoted a key expansion of the NATO alliance. As Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, he helped direct NATO’s military campaign in Kosovo and an earlier round of NATO expansion. Ambassador Grossman was the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey 1994 – 1997. Ambassador Grossman was a vice chairman of The Cohen Group from July 2005 to February 2011.
In February 2011, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton called Ambassador Grossman back to serve as the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ambassador Grossman promoted the international effort to support Afghanistan by shaping major international meetings in Istanbul, Bonn, Chicago, and Tokyo. He provided U.S. backing for an Afghan peace process designed to end 30 years of conflict and played an important part in restoring U.S. ties with Pakistan. He returned to The Cohen Group in February 2013.
For more information, please contact Jacy Thoman at